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Spectra's Gambit Page 21

  I had called Master Dusty and Master Spectra in to discuss something I discovered before Nanny came in to harass me with that potion. “Well, she is right. I don’t know how she can tell, but I have burned up too much of my energy store working on this.”

  “Oh, I suspect your mother could … ” started Master Dusty but Master Spectra squeezed his arm and cut him off.

  “She is a spirit, so she can see spiritual things much more readily than we physical people can,” rescued Master Spectra.

  “It is all right, Master Spectra,” I said.

  “What is?” asked Master Dusty, obviously confused.

  “She stopped you from referring to my mother just now, thinking it would upset me since I never knew her,” I said.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize,” he apologized.

  “No, really it’s fine. I have no memories of childhood, nor of my family, but I accepted that long ago,” I said.

  “Well, you have a family now,” chimed in Nemesis.

  “So let’s see: Master Spectra, Nemesis and myself … hmm, that makes at least three orphans in this family,” I said.

  “Four,” said Saraphym, who walked in carrying an illuminescence potion. “Sorry to intrude, but Nanny asked me to bring this to you.”

  “Nanny!” I laughed. “Put that away. That’s too precious to waste. I can drink from our generators.”

  “Oh? So you’ve been skipping meals again?” she demanded.

  “Now you’re really in trouble,” said Master Dusty.

  I sighed. “Nemesis, do you mind if I humor the ladies and take a drink from here?”

  “No, go right ahead. I’ve been keeping the power stores at 110% of normal just for you,” he said.

  “Let me guess: at Nanny’s instructions?” I said.

  “Maybe,” he said.

  I thought Master Dusty was going to pass out from laughing so hard, but I reached out and pulled in some of the power from the banks around me. It did feel good to drink; I had been too focused in my research to notice I was getting weak.

  “What did you want to tell us?” asked Master Dusty.

  “Master, I think we should disconnect from the fleet,” I said. “Based on what we have been able to extrapolate from the data, this fleet is flying to a nearby station to resupply. That station is,” I paused to bring up a map, “here, about another two days’ journey. After that, they will travel to this station here as their next target.”

  “Why are they targeting stations, and how do you know that is their next target?” asked Master Spectra.

  “They are destroying evidence of something, I believe. Each station is evacuated just before the attack, and this one is presently being emptied of all nonessential personnel,” I said. “That’s how I know it’s next.”

  “That explains why they all seemed so empty,” said Master Dusty. “But they do leave people behind to die.”

  “The people left behind, as far as I can tell, are part of the evidence they are destroying. I doubt if those left behind have any idea that they are being purged.”

  “Even with the stopover, this fleet will make it to that station long before we can,” said Master Spectra.

  “Yes, Master, but if we fly to this trade hub here,” I pointed to a third station on the map and continued, “we can get passage with one of the larger trade fleets that uses this jump route here, which will put us within a day of that station. If we leave now, we should get to that station a full day, if not two, before this fleet can.”

  “How confident of this research are you?” asked Master Dusty.

  “It’s an educated guess,” I said. “Confident enough to suggest we follow the lead and risk losing track of this fleet.”

  “What are they covering up?” asked Master Spectra.

  “We haven’t been able to find that out yet,” I said.

  “Saraphym, get Kymberly and head for the bridge. Tell Jade to disconnect from the fleet and head for the trade hub,” said Dusty. “Best speed without sacrificing our cloak.”

  “Yes, Master!” she said, beaming with pride as she ran from the room. This would be the first time Master Dusty had allowed them to fly without himself and Master Spectra guiding them. They were ready, but Master Dusty seemed reluctant to let them go.

  “Greymere,” said Spectra, “it will take us a couple of days to get to that trade hub. On the way, we would like to take you to the Spirit Realm to test a theory.”

  “Theory, Master?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said. “I suspect you are actually a native of the Spirit Realm, and not of this one.”

  “What?” I asked.

  She told me what had happened when they’d brought Saraphym through the Spirit Realm, and how my native form appeared to be a spirit and not a physical form.

  “But, won’t the same thing happen to me if I go there?” I asked.

  “Maybe, but Dusty and I will be there to save you if need be. Besides, I think you are far more prepared than she is.”

  “How so?” I asked.

  “The secret to survival in the Spirit Realm is to know yourself,” she said. “Since you came along, you have shattered Saraphym’s self-identity and she is relearning who she is. That means she does not have a firm grasp on her own nature. You, on the other hand, have a much stronger grounding in who you are.”

  “You see,” joined in Master Dusty, “the Spirit Realm baits you into thinking that you are part of it and that you belong there. When I was there hunting that sorcerer, it started to convince me that I liked it there and that it was my home. That is the devious nature of its trap; it makes you want to stay, so you can see no reason to leave.”

  “But in your case,” said Master Spectra, “you are grounded enough in who you are and where you belong that it should not be a problem for you to take a short trip there. Over time the realm can pull anyone in, but just as Dusty was there for an extended period and still came back, I think you could do the same.”

  I felt I knew myself fairly well, but I was not sure I understood anything else anymore. “This Spirit Realm, it is an important place to you as spiritualists?”

  “Yes, it’s essential to our power. In a sense we are a part of it, and it is a second home for us,” said Master Spectra. “Saraphym will need to become familiar with it in order to advance in her powers.”

  “How is it that you and Nanny keep using her to get to me?” I asked with a smile. I knew exactly what Master Spectra was up to. Soon the line of reasoning would be that I’d have to go in order to help Saraphym in her training later.

  “Hey, it worked for Nanny, didn’t it?” asked Master Spectra with a sly grin.

  I noticed that Master Dusty seemed to be thoroughly enjoying this exchange. “Fine, fine. Let me get a decent meal, and then I’ll go,” I said. I knew enough to know I was outmatched.

  “Let’s get clear of the fleet before we leave. How about an hour after breakfast?” asked Dusty.

  “Sounds good. I suspect I would have some trouble if I left without saying goodbye to Saraphym,” I said.

  “Oh, that you would,” Spectra said in a slightly evil tone.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  After Spectra and Dusty had left I leaned back in my chair and tried to gather my scattered thoughts. So much was changing around me, and I was no longer sure of the future. I was used to being in the driver’s seat, with clear goals and ambitions. As a loner, I could afford to play fast and loose, but as a part of a team like this which seemed likely to be a long-term situation, I had to be more careful and consider the needs of others. I had no real desire to go to the Spirit Realm, but if it was going to help my new family accomplish their goal to establish their legitimacy, I would do it for them.

  “Greymere?” asked Nanny, waking me from my thoughts.

  “Nanny, really I’ve just eaten,” I said.

  “I know, I can see that, but I have a personal favor to ask of you,” s
he said.

  I turned to look at her and wondered what I could do to help a spirit. “What’s that?”

  “When you go to the Spirit Realm tomorrow, could you bring a message to someone for me?” she asked.

  “It sounds like it will only be a short trip,” I said.

  “I know, but if you don’t mind staying there a little longer, just long enough to deliver the message, I would greatly appreciate it,” she said.

  “But you’re a spirit. Can’t you deliver it?” I asked.

  “No; remember, the Spirit Realm is a prison. If I return there I can’t come back unless I’m summoned, and this is too critical of a time for me to leave. Spectra needs me,” she said.

  Master Spectra had previously explained to me that any spirit that gets out of the Spirit Realm will do anything it can to stay out, and for one such as Nanny the evil-enhancing nature of the realm was just as dangerous to her as it was to the rest of us. “I see, but I’m not sure if it is safe for me to go there at all yet.”

  “Oh, you will be fine. Spectra is right about you; you are partly spirit,” she said.

  “How can you tell?” I asked.

  “I can see it in you. She can, too. She does not fully recognize it yet, though. Once there you will feel tempted to stay, but it is the same feeling you have when you’re in the weave – which is where you were born,” she said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’re a native of the weave, not the Spirit Realm. Spectra will figure that out soon enough, but what matters is that you can travel to the Spirit Realm safely since your native form is spirit and not flesh. Please go to Daemon’s Rest and find the Tribe of Diamond. Deliver my message to the chief of that tribe. That is all I ask.”

  How could I refuse to help the one person in this crew who helped everyone else, seemingly without rest, pay or thanks? “Okay, I will do that. But how will I find this place?”

  “After you get to the Spirit Realm, ask Spectra for directions. Few outsiders know that realm as well as she does. She can start you on your way, but don’t mention any of this to her until you are already there or else she might back out of the trip. She is needed here, as is Dusty, to guide the young ones,” she said.

  “And of course, when I get back, I will be better able to teach Saraphym?” I suggested, suspecting that she had a secondary motive.

  “You will know yourself far better than you do now, and that will make you a better you,” she said. She produced a scroll made of light and placed it in a bag full of illuminescence potions. “Take these with you. You may not need them, but the less you depend on the energy of the Spirit Realm the better your chances will be.”

  I took the bag. There were a lot of potions in it. She seemed to expect the trip to be long rather than short. “For you, Nanny, I’ll do what I can.”

  “Just be careful,” she said. “The Spirit Realm is a very dangerous place, even for one such as yourself.”

  “I will,” I said.

  She smiled and drifted off through a wall. I was jealous of that ability, but more so of the fact that I never saw her sleep, and sleep was what I needed most. I left a message asking Saraphym to join me for a private breakfast in the morning, and then turned in.

  The next morning, while eating breakfast with Saraphym, I said, “Did Spectra mention what I will be doing today?”

  “No,” she said.

  “They are taking me to the Spirit Realm,” I said.

  “No! It’s a trap!” she exclaimed.

  “Easy there. I know all about what happened to you, but I will be fine,” I said.

  “How can you know that?” she asked.

  “Nanny assured me that I would be,” I said. “And I have to do this so I can learn how to help you better.”

  “Nanny said that?” she asked.

  “Yes, and she would know best,” I said.

  “Yes, but still - ” she objected.

  “Look, I need to tell you a secret, but you cannot repeat it,” I sent to her privately.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I will be gone for a while. I don’t know how long; days at least, maybe even several weeks,” I sent. “Nanny needs me to do something for her in the Spirit Realm. She can’t do it herself because she would be trapped there, and Master Spectra and Master Dusty have their mission to complete. I am the only one who can help her, so I will do it. I won’t tell Master Spectra until we are there and it is too late for her to argue.”

  She was quiet for a while as she digested that. “Weeks? Are you sure you can manage that?”

  “I’ll be fine, and even if not, Master Dusty and Master Spectra can fetch me back. That is what spiritualists do, retrieve spirits from the Spirit Realm. Right?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I guess so. I’ve never tried yet,” she sent.

  She seemed to have lost her appetite and just pushed her food around on the plate. “When do you leave?”

  “After breakfast. They will call me soon,” I said.

  “I see,” she said. “I will miss you.”

  “I suspect you will have enough activity to keep you busy here while I’m gone. After all, you’re racing to storm a station which is scheduled to be destroyed by a massive fleet coming up fast behind you. That should be pretty exciting!” I said.

  I walked over and took her in my arms and held her close to me until the comm. on my room beeped, indicating that Master Dusty and Master Spectra were ready to leave. “I guess it’s time.”

  With that she turned and ran out the door. I sighed. I’d had no intention of upsetting her like that, but it couldn’t be helped. I donned my armor, grabbed my swords, and made sure I had the pack that Nanny had prepared for me. I didn’t know how long I would be there, so I made sure I had all my gear. I had no idea what might be in store for me.

  I found them waiting for me in the mess hall, and Master Spectra said, “You’re a bit overdressed for a short jaunt.”

  I was saved from answering by Saraphym running in. She called out, “Wait!”

  I turned. “It’s okay, we haven’t left yet.”

  She took my arm and tied on a piece of material that I did not recognize. It crackled a little with subtle power. “If you ever start to forget why you need to come back, just touch this and remember me.”

  I took her hand in mine, slowly kissed it and said, “I won’t forget you, ever.”

  She started crying and Kymberly came to comfort her.

  I slowly released her and said, “Let’s get this done.”

  Master Dusty nodded and Master Spectra opened a gate. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen. It looked just like a two-dimensional, oval-shaped slice of jump space. Dusty went through first, and he just disappeared as he walked through it.

  “You’re next. I will follow,” said Master Spectra.

  I steeled myself, not knowing what to expect, and walked through. It was a painless experience walking through the gate, no different to walking across the room. On the other side of the gate was the blandest world I had ever seen. There were no stars, no plants, nothing but greyness in all directions. I could feel the power of the realm all around me, tempting me to drink deep. As bland a world as it was to my bipedal eyes, I could sense a rich world of energy around me and I knew that was what had drawn Saraphym in. There was nothing more tempting to our kind than pure, natural energy.

  Master Dusty and Master Spectra were watching me closely. “Masters, it’s fine. I am still me.”

  “Good. You had a faraway look about you for a moment,” said Master Dusty.

  “I can see the attraction that Saraphym felt. There is energy everywhere, an unlimited supply of it, just begging to be drunk,” I said as I looked around.

  “It would be extremely unwise to do that,” said Master Spectra.

  “Master, I remember the account of the grandmaster sorcerer,” I said. “I won’t make that mistake, at least.”

  “Good. Let’
s get back. I don’t want to subject you to too much at once,” said Master Spectra.

  “No, Master, I am not going back with you,” I said.

  Master Dusty reached out and grabbed my arm and said, “What?”

  I told them what Nanny had asked of me and showed them the bag she’d prepared. “I suspect that this is your entire supply of illuminescence potions.”

  “That’s okay. I will head back to the hospital and restock before returning to Nemesis,” said Master Spectra with a sigh. “Nanny has never asked for anything before as long as I have known her, and she has done so much for us. I will carry that message myself, if you don’t think you can.”

  “Now that I am here and see what the challenge consists of, I’m sure I can handle it. This is not very different from jump space; in fact, it is less attractive than that. Nanny must have known that somehow.”

  “Daemon’s Rest is that way,” she said and gestured off behind me. “It would take me weeks to walk there. It will be much faster for you to fly. You’ll know you’re there when you see a massive forest surrounding a large volcano. The tribe you are looking for lives inside caves in the base of the volcano.”

  “Master, is this an active volcano?” I asked.

  “Yes, very much so,” she said.

  “What do I have to fear here?” I asked.

  “The locals will see you as a native, so for the most part they will ignore you, but necromancers and other foul beings live here and they will want to kill you for your very clothes. Try not to use power. It attracts the more dangerous ones from far and wide,” she said.

  Great! So, pretty much fear everything, and don’t try to defend yourself if you can help it! I thought to myself. “Master, how will I find you to get home?” I asked.