The Enemy of an Enemy ltop-1 Page 14
“A Council of Wizards has three primaryobjectives. First and foremost is to prevent the sorcerers fromever getting a foothold in your realm. Should they ever get afoothold, you must do everything in your power to remove them.Second, you need to master all aspects of magic, not just each ofyour specialties. Finally, you must maintain absolute authority andpower over all forms and uses of magic in your realm. To accomplishall this you will eventually need to raise an army of wizards, andappoint them to control sections of your realm, with wizards intraining under them as their replacements. We can provide you withthe details of how we worked all that out here. That will get youstarted, but you will probably need to tailor it to your realm. Theresult of this will be to force the sorcerers into a war on twofronts and give both of us the edge we need to win safety for bothour realms. If you should all accept our proposal, I will appointVydor as grandmaster of the Council, in keeping with the ranks youhave already established.” He paused and looked around the room. Noone said anything, as we were trying to digest what he hadsaid.
Then he looked at me and said, “Vydor, youhave already surpassed the others with the little bit of power youhave learned to use. You see, each of you has all the powers of theothers, and more. You just need proper training to unlock them.” Hestopped there and looked like he was waiting for a reply.
“All this assumes they do not find thisweapon they are looking for,” I said.
“Of course both our forces will have tosearch constantly for that, too. If it is what they think it is,then whoever finds it wins the war.” He paused there and thencontinued, “It also assumes that each of you has a strong moralcore which extends well beyond our primary objectives. You must allswear to strive to do good in every way, without counting the cost.Based on what I know of each of you I am not concerned about this,but it must be said.”
“What if they have the same idea and plant aCouncil of Sorcerers?” I asked.
“Then we risk them raising a second army ofsorcerers, which would force us back into a stalemate, this timewith both our realms devastated by the war. That is why they mustnever get a permanent foothold in your realm. The lives of everyonein your realm and ours depend on your preventing that,” was hisreply.
“Assuming that we accept this burden, how dowe get back there, and what will our first move be?” I asked.
“The plan is simple. Right now the sorcerersthink you are all dead. We will wait for the planet to be destroyedby your armies, which I consider a most devious plan! They have noidea that it is coming because they do not consider floating rocksto be a threat. The confusion of the forced rapid withdrawal, andthe devastation to their number caused by it will give us anopportunity to slip you back into your realm unnoticed,” was hisresponse. “After that you must work to build your own power quicklywhile trying to find out what you can about this weapon they seek.As yet, you lack the skill to combat them, so you must avoid anydirect confrontation until you have sufficient knowledge to put upa fight. This may mean letting them take over another planet andgetting a small foothold. I know that contradicts what I havealready said, but we have to face reality. If you met them in adirect fight now, you would all be killed, and that would hand therealm over to them.” He stood and looked around the room again,then continued, “Now I know I have given you a lot of informationto consider. I will leave you to talk about it alone.” He pulled asmall bell out of another hidden pocket and said, “Ring this bellwhen you are ready for me to return. Until then you are safe here.Rest, eat, and think.” With that he left the room.
I could tell no one was really sure what todo next, so I reached out mentally to the others and said,“Everyone, eat and get some sleep. I do not want anyone to talkabout this right now. Each of you must think about what we havebeen told. We will meet back around this table in twelve hours. Atthat time we will discuss this idea fully and freely without regardto rank. When Kellyn wakes, I will brief her on what has transpiredwhile she rested.”
Chapter Eighteen
I stood and walked back to where Kellyn wassleeping. I moved my bed next to hers in such a way that no onecould get to her without waking me first. Then I climbed into bedand began to integrate all the new information I had into the weavethat I had started when this mission began. That seemed like alifetime ago now. I slowly slipped deeper and deeper into mythoughts, and lost all connection with the outside world.
The problem with all this new information wasthat no matter what happened now, I could never go back to justbeing Commander Vydor. That life, that once held so much promisefor a shining career in the Imperial Navy, had ended. Indeed, whatI had learned and experienced during this mission had shatteredmany of the beliefs I had held since childhood. The cover-up aboutthe planet, the imprisonment of the Black Adders, the memory blocks- all that I had learned along the way had severely damaged my viewof the benevolence, infallibility and power of the Empire and theEmperor. In fact, they look rather weak and helpless in the face ofthis new threat.
I do not know how long I lay like thatpondering all that I had learned, but I was awakened by a touch tomy face. Without opening my eyes I reached out mentally and foundKellyn kneeling next to my bed. I silently said, “Good morning.Sleep well?”
She mentally gasped a bit, and thenresponded, “Sir, I am sorry to disturb you, but I was worriedabout you. You looked so lifeless.”
“It is okay, Kellyn. I have a lot to tellyou about what happened while you were asleep, but before I do Iwant to ask you something. What did you mean about the demon?”I asked.
“Sir, I saw a dark spirit chasing you; heis a very old and powerful spirit. I know that he has hunted yourentire family line. He will do anything to destroy you. When youwere wounded back at the gate the wound was not too bad. Your armorstopped most of the blast, but it weakened you briefly, and thatwas enough for the spirit to attack. I do not know how you survivedas long as you did under his attack, but you were seconds fromdeath when I finally reached you.” She paused to gatherherself, then said, “Sir, I do not yet have the power to beatthat demon, but I have forced him to retreat for now. I will oneday gain the strength to defeat him, and until then together we canhold him back.”
While she talked I found myself drawn to her.Beyond the outer layer of thought that we used to communicate, sheopened herself completely to me. I saw down into her core, herinner being. First I saw a bright and pure light, almost blinding,but beyond that was the most surprising thing. She had at her verycore a fierce fire that could outshine a million stars. I knew inmy heart the meaning of what I saw. I knew that she was pure atheart, and that nothing would sway her from my side.
I gasped as I made this realization and felther say to me, “I know all that is in you, and what is in you isnot the demon, but a good soul that is being suppressed by anger,fear and pain. Now you also know me through and through. I will gowith you as you fight to free your soul and defeat this demon thatstalks you. Together we will be victorious.”
“Kellyn, I hardly know how to reply tothat … “thank you” hardly seems enough …” I just trailed off,not knowing how to respond, but this was not normal speech. Thiswas the world of thought and emotion. She did not need my words toknow how I felt; she could read my mixture of surprise, relief andjoy for herself.
“It is okay, Vydor, I already know,”was her reply. Her tone had shifted. It was more informal, moreintimate. I felt a bond grow between us that I had never had withanyone before.
“Well, I had better fill you in on whathappened. Let me see if I can repeat Darnath’s feat of passing on amemory …” I pictured my mind as a big library with lots ofbooks, each book representing a different memory. I took up thebooks that contained all the memories from when I had seen Kellynpass through the gate until my recent awakening. I then picturedmyself handing her the books, which she took and opened. Suddenlywe were both reliving all the events, including my vision and fightin the gateway, which I had forgotten until now.
Once that was done she said with a tone ofhumility, “V
ydor, I would be honored to serve on your Council ofWizards.” How did she do that? I had not yet realized that Ihad made up my mind, and here she was responding to a question Ihad not yet asked! I realized that she was right. At some pointalong the way I had decided to accept the position of grandmasterwizard.
“Vydor, even if the others decide not tocome along, I will be with you and I am sure we will eventuallyfind five more people to make up the council, but I believe thatthey will all join us,” she said with a high degree ofcertainty.
I rose then without breaking my link toKellyn; it brought me a sense of peace that I was not willing togive up. I looked around the room and saw the rest of the teamalready at the table. Kellyn and I walked over and took theremaining two seats. After getting some food I connected with therest of them, keeping my connection to Kellyn separate and secret,and asked, “I have no idea what time it is, but is everyoneready to discuss Mantis’ suggestion?”
“I think so, sir,” started Jerran.“Is Kellyn up to speed?”
“Yes, sir, fully so,” she replied.
“Well, sir, I did not get much rest, and Isuspect the others didn’t either. It seems to me that there areonly two options here. We can say no to Mantis’ plan and offer ofassistance, go back to our realm and fight them alone, or we canaccept his help and follow his plan. The reality is that thesorcerers are not going to go away; in fact, now that they think weare dead they are likely to move forward with whatever their plansare,” said Major Jerran.
“Sir, on the surface it seems like an easydecision. Why fight alone when you have all this power here to callon for help? But the problem is all the strings attached tothat,” said Gafar.
“I see it a bit differently, sir,”started Darnath. “The way I see it is that Mantis’ plans willmove forward, with or without us. They cannot risk our realmfalling to their enemy. That would give the sorcerers a safe placeto build a second army, which would spell the end for the wizards.War has come upon the Empire, and it’s a war the Empire cannot winalone. We can either stand and fight or watch others fight forus.”
After that others piped in with their views,and soon the discussion got repetitive with no real progress beingmade. During all this time that box sat on the table staring at us,daring us to make a decision. After some time, I stood and waitedfor the conversation to stop. I raised my hand and mentally reachedout and opened the box. I could feel the surprise from everyonearound me, especially as I lifted the seven rings out of the boxand moved them towards each person, resting them on the table infront of them. I said, “The choice before us is simple. Weeither stand and fight the sorcerers, or we fold and hope for thebest.” I took one of the rings, slipped it on my hand and said,“I never fold.”
Kellyn then scooped up a ring and put it onher finger, saying, “I stand with you, Vydor.”
There was a pause while the other five staredat the rings but then, one by one, they each picked up a ring andslipped it on, saying, “I am a Black Adder, and we never backdown. I stand with Vydor and the Council.”
As the last ring was placed on the lastfinger, I felt a change in the room. The order of events was notclear to me, but our uniforms all became dark robes, and the staveswe all carried were exchanged for others that looked like the oneMantis wielded. Our bodies felt different, too; I could not placethe feeling and no one else could either, but we were definitelydifferent.
Once all that had passed I rang the bell tolet Mantis know that we had made our decision. I was sure the soundhad not yet reached the door when he opened it and entered.
“I see you have made your decision, and Imust say I am glad at the choice you’ve made,” he said as he walkedover to a small table in the corner that I had not noticed before.He took from his robes an impossibly large hourglass and set it onthe table. Purple sand slowly dripped down as it counted out theseconds. “This timer will run out at the same time the first rockshit the colony. When that happens I will bring you back to the gateyou used to get here and send you back to your realm.” He walkedover to a section of wall and waved his hand over it. As he did sothe wall disappeared, revealing another room. We followed him intothat room where walls and walls of books greeted us. “Here is mypersonal library. Study what you can while you are here, and beforeyou leave I will copy some of the more important texts for you totake to start your own library. I suggest you start by learning thespell of many tongues so that you can read any of the books, butyou are welcome to start wherever you please.” With that heleft.
Looking around the room I was a bitoverwhelmed by all the books. “Well, I really did not get muchsleep during our break. I spent it all in thought, so I am going tolie down and deal with this later,” I said, heading back to mybed. The others made similar comments and left the room, but Kellynwas undaunted. She walked over to the stack of books and said,“I think I have slept enough for today. I will see what I canfind in here.”
Chapter Nineteen
I fell asleep so quickly that I am not suremy head even reached the pillow before I was out. When I awokelater I saw Darnath, Gafar and Andreya eating quietly at the tablethat never seemed to run out of food. Luke and Jerran were stillasleep. I poured a drink and headed into the other room to findKellyn poring over a book.
Immediately I felt her reach out to me andsay, “Morning, Vydor. I have something for you.” Shementally pulled a scroll from her memories and handed it to me.When I opened it to read I was transported back to earlier in theday and saw myself leave the room. Then I, as Kellyn, walked overto the bookcase and started taking down books at random. None ofthem made any sense. They were all filled with strange writing, andmany had odd illustrations that did not make sense without thetext. After a while I found a book with writing on its side that Icould read. I pulled it down and saw that it was entitled “AWizard’s Primer.” I took the book over to a large reading table andopened it at the first chapter, which was entitled “The Spell ofMany Tongues.”
After studying this spell I took another bookoff the shelf and attempted to read it, using the spell. Success!After casting the spell I could read any of the books I pulleddown.
The memory ended there. So I lifted a bookoff the shelf, attempted the spell I had just learned, and itworked. I could read all the books on the shelf. “Where is theprimer now?” I asked Kellyn.
“Here,” she said and handed me a bookfrom her stack, barely looking up from her studies. “I amfinished with it.”
I spent the next few hours studying that bookuntil Darnath and the others finally wandered in. I handed them thebook and told them all about the first spell. We all spent what weassumed to be the rest of the day in there studying. With nowindows it was hard to guess the time. Eventually we took a breakfrom our studies to eat a meal together.
Talking with them now as Magi, I noticed thatwe had all shifted to a more casual tone, and any thought of rankwas almost completely gone. I was pleased to see this because Iknew from experience that all those formal ranks and rules just gotin the way of getting things done.
At first the talk was mostly about what wehad learned. Other than the primer book, we were each reading outof different books and learning about different things. Kellynstudied all the books she could find on spirits, demons, andmagical healing while Darnath was more interested in spellsregarding shields, protection and hiding. Jerran seemed to favorspells dealing with fire, explosion, and the like. Gafar and Lukewere working very closely together studying natural and weathermagic, while Andreya stayed focused on illusionary magic. Myinterests lay much more in how magic worked, and what its originswere.
“When we get back I suppose the firstthing we must do is resign,” Darnath said, which seemed tosilence all communication.
“Yes, that would be best,” Iresponded. “Officially we are all dead now, so I am not sure ofthe best way for you to do that. For me it is easy. I have to go tomy former captain and officially announce my resignation, but youall … can you even resign when you are sent to a quarantine colonylike that?”
“Well, I’m not sure. None of usvolunteered for the position, nor does our status officiallyexist,” said Darnath thoughtfully.
“This is what we will do, then. When weget back we will travel to High Command, and we will inform themthat we are leaving the military. It is likely that no one will behappy with this, and we will be seen as traitors, but in time thatwill pass,” I said.
“Aye, but it could be worse. Being what weare, they might try to imprison us,” interjected Gafar.
“Well, we will deal with that if it comesup. All we need now is to make sure we have a good escape plan fromany meeting. Has anyone studied the art of teleportation yet?”I asked. They all shook their heads. “Jerran, please make it apoint to find a book on that. Gafar, find out what you can aboutgate travel. I suspect we will need to learn both before we leave.Andreya, please see what you can learn about opening a window tolook at places like Mantis did, and any other monitoring means youcan find. It is important that no two of us learn the same thing.We can exchange memories later. For the moment we need to maximizethe time we have in this library. Darnath, go on with what you arestudying, we will need that for sure. Kellyn, you are on a goodtrack already, too. Luke, please find out what you can aboutsummoning creatures to help us. Surely the wizards have somethingother than the foul beasts the sorcerers use. I will see what I canlearn about crafting wands, staves, and other magical tools, as wewill need to know how to make our own. Study what you can, but makesure you get good rest and nourishment. It could be a long timebefore we enjoy safety like this again. As silly as this sounds,take it slow and easy, but study as much and as fast as youcan.” I smiled at that. They indicated they understood what Imeant. One by one they finished their meals and entered thelibrary.